
You’ll find a lot of baby swaddling bag and pouch content on The Baby Edit and it’s not a coincidence. Baby swaddling bags really are a lifesaver when you’re a new parent. These products come with all the benefits of baby swaddling with the added bonus of time-saving convenience, which as a parent you’ll know is a precious commodity!

Baby swaddling is a method of wrapping your little one in a swaddle wrap, bag or pouch to help prevent triggering the Moro Reflex (also known as the startle reflex). The startle reflex is when young babies are hyper sensitive to loud sound or movement, which can wake them up from their sleep. Baby swaddling helps reduce this and can also help your baby sleep on their back throughout the night.

I’ve tested many baby swaddling bags and pouches from our 2022 Best of Baby Swaddle Bags in Australia. This list was compiled after we surveyed thousands of Australian parents about the baby swaddle bags and pouches they used, loved and would recommend. The Original Grobag Swaddle Wrap by Tommee Tippee is one of the baby swaddle bags that ranked highly and I was keen to give it a go with my little girl Mimi.

Key takeaways after testing this product

The Grobag Swaddle Wrap is a swaddle wrap and swaddle bag in one. This swaddle wrap bag differs to others I tested as you place your baby’s arms inside mini sleeves, which are then wrapped across the body and secured in place with Velcro strips. This design apparently helps recreate the position your little one was in inside the womb and helps combat their startle reflex.

To be honest, I found this a little tricky to do with a wriggly baby like Mimi. I also found this position didn’t help soothe her as much as when her arms were up in Love to Dream’s Swaddle Up Original(my review here), where she would sometimes suckle on the ends to self soothe.

Similarly to the Original Grobag Snuggle (my review here), the Grobag Swaddle Wrap has the zip positioned around the edge of the bag. This made nappy changes (as long as she had a two way zippy suit underneath) really easy as the whole bottom half opened up. But I found getting Mimi in and out a little tricky again as sometimes the zip would be twisted and I would have to try a few times. On the plus side, I liked that Mimi’s arms were in her little sleeves as opposed to roaming free in an arms down swaddle, which can make nappy changes a little tricky.

As far as I could see, this product does not come with a TOG rating but on the back of the packaging is a handy room temperature guide that shows you what your baby should wear underneath this swaddle wrap to assist with safe sleeping practice.

The Original Grobag Swaddle Wrap was tested by Emily and her daughter Mimi (from 0 to 3 months in various sizes as Mimi grew). To find out which baby sleeping swaddles, bags and pouches ranked highest according to the thousands of Australian families we surveyed click here.

This is general information only. If you need personal, health, medical or technical advice when it comes to your growing family, please seek out a professional.